
A Giclée is an accurate, mechanically produced art reproduction. A Giclée is not an original work of art, but an excellent reproduction of a work of art.


An original artwork is digitally photographed in the highest possible resolution. Any reflections or specks of dust are carefully retouched. The image is then prepared for the Giclée process, and adapted to the type of paper to be used. Regarding the quantities of ink and the ideal colour separation, this allows for the correct instructions to be fed to the printer, regarding the quantities of ink and the ideal colour separation. Finally, the sharpness of the image is determined, dependent on the size of the print. At this point, the image is ready to be printed.


The use of lightfast pigments and wood-free, specially coated paper guarantees faithful, long-lasting colours. No visible discolorations have been discovered, even during tests under extremely severe conditions.


The Giclée reproduction is of such a high quality that it is not necessary to frame it behind glass, although this does offer extra protector ofcourse. The reproduction may be dusted with a dry cloth; however, the use of solvents or other liquids will cause damage.


An Art Revisited Giclée reproduction is the best possible art reproduction obtainable with today's technology.

Art Revisited